Last seen: Jan 23, 2024
I only do flats, flys, and Hammer Strength inclines. I had rotator cuff surgery on both of my shoulders so I don't do declines. Too much stress on you...
I run Nolva post cycle with Clomid the first week after I'm off. I don't use it during the cycle unless my nipples feel a little bit itchy. Estrogen l...
Couldn't you just rinse them with boiling water?
I think the mood swings may be due to the estrogen buildup which accompanies post cycle. I take 40mg of Nolvadex ED with the clomid for that ,and poss...
I've been on it now for a few weeks. I did 300mg for a few days, and then went down to 100mg for now. You definitely get an increased load, lol. I've ...
Originally posted by hitmeoff Actually this is incorrect. Fina gyno is caused by prolactin, not Deca. If there was ever 2 drugs that shouldnt be run t...
Originally posted by hitmeoff I think fina would complete this stack. As Ive said before, I LOVED Test/Deca/EQ + Dbol for pure mass, but didnt get muc...
Yeah, I know gatorade has alot of sugar in it. I just get sick of drinking just water all the time, and it quenches my thirst. I add a twist of lemon ...
Originally posted by ironman_845 I'm sure the eca's and cardio helps.. what's the diet look like? My diet wasn't that great. I ate alot of fast food c...
I agree the two together would be awesome. I don't care about the money either. Bulk powder is cheap. I didn't get much bloat from the deca either lik...
Originally posted by ironman_845 One of best reasons to run them together is you can run lower doses and avoid the sides of each.. eq = anxiety and el...
I'm gonna push the envelope next cycle at 800mg deca/wk. and 1 gram of EQ/wk. I hear the EQ does give you some anxiety though. I only tried it once(IP...
Btw, deca dick never bothered me either on 1.5 grams of test, lol.
Sounds good. I'm probably gonna run 800mg deca with 1 gram of EQ. Some say the results are amazing on EQ at the 1 gram mark.