Last seen: Oct 15, 2024
Yeh, that'd be the killing blow!
Thanks mate. I've found a paper on this as well, and asked those flaming me to read thru in slowly twice LOL!
Visions you are a diamond geezer! Thanks for that, i've been having a spat with someone on another board on this topic; you've confirmed what i said, ...
Thanks fellas. You know i think i got carried away typing that day.. its a bit heavy on the carbs at the least!! (meals 7+8 ummm bit too much LOL)Chee...
Oh dear, praps i could have simply typed this lol ..Does the 1.5g protein per pound of bodyweight still apply when using a basic Test cycle like i des...
52 miles. A hilly 4 hours! ;-)
Good find guys. No more veggie burgers for me!!
Posted by: Methandrostenolone is the original name for dianabol.Axio package it as Methanoplex, in 10s and 50s, last time i looked.Dunno when...
"You need to be running nolvadex throughout the cycle " Tylernus.Can we get some clarification on this, no disrespect Tylernus but i'm not sure SERMS ...
Yeh i agree with you Kim. When i started out reading on a BB board and trying to understand how cycles worked, pct etc, i got some pretty bad advice. ...
Dunno, maybe there an older batch praps? Oddly tho, i took a photo yesterday to show you (had trouble loading it, so gave up) and the photo showed the...