Last seen: Jul 29, 2022
bump the ugly guy ratchet...those doses are fine..i like them higher but this is your first go around so stay with what you have planned
what are your stats? but sounds good and your gonna love it
Posted by: utfootball4 thanks guys for the reply i just had a friend who recomm it to my guys since they dont like needles and want to be on there c...
y transdermal test? its not all that potent and the absorbancy rate isnt that high
get some igf...it gives you that on feeling and heals in the process
Posted by: MOOSE Im not scared of needles at all.....hehe kinda like them.. Ive been on around four cycles all with injectables. thanks for the help...
my advise is tokeep the cycles simple..i used to stay up day and night trying to think of the perfect cycle and would have big elaborate lay outs..thi...
whats your cycle experience
Posted by: killipso Thanks Irish,I was readin DC's training method which I use myself just a variation to the training.I was reading the article and...
1000mgs in a gram, if your test was 250mgs/ml that would be 4mls and you can figure the math out from there, it depends on the mg/ml ratio of the actu...
yeah bump dafonz nolva wont do shit for deca,tren etc progestorne induced gyno you need bromo etc
tren does that to some people..i get a taste too when i do an injection around certain spots
like the others said depends on your ccycle history, but prop,susp,drol,dbol,turnibol etc are all good depends on your goals, history, stats etc so gi...
Posted by: Nitrateman IP...so you're saying you're not a mutant?Shit I though you were one of us, bro LOLNitrateman nope i am a sexy beast...bi...
Posted by: D.K. Yeah its all good stuff...later big ass bump their never had one single problem wiht BD shit other than my coworkers thinking i...