Last seen: Jul 29, 2022
yeah if your not going to throw in an oral jumpstart then i say use the prop, i know many who like to use prop as there jumpstart anyway and dont use ...
bumping NVS, thats a very good game plan.. i would even add some deca to help with the strength and size gains but a simple test , oral cycle is damn ...
yeah the proper AI will help with the bloat so no worries just experiment a little..winni works wonderfully with tren ace i really like that combo wit...
Posted by: Wheat awesome that sounds pretty sweet, lots of good ideas in there! Ill have to think of what combo to give a shot to and then hit you u...
hmmm here are a few good ones using short estersnan phenyl 150mgs EODtest prop 200mgs EODdrol or dbol 50mgs ED,thats awesome for mass and strengthtren...
i personally dont care for eq and its only effective for myself in the higher dose ranges, what are your current stats and what do you really want to ...
i am going to start off this by saying i am to lazy to check the list of instock myself so if you could post the list of aas instock and let me do som...
yes you can shoot in the same syringe at the same time...sust is best shot EOD though do to the different esters in it to keep your hormone levels fro...
personally i have never done it but have a really good freind who has been using aas for years and he states that it is one of the best cycles he has ...
i would run something like this if you want to really use all those compoundseq 600mgs a weektest 800-1000mgs a weekDbol jump start wks 1-4 at 50-60mg...
Posted by: da_Fonz I must say I say I like cyp more than enth.I can notice a difference betw the 2.My favorite though would be prop b/c a lil makes ...
i would look into prop and var...add some igf or HGH or some of the other newer peptides as well..
Posted by: DoubleWide thats alot of test. how many cycles have you done and whats your weight at to be doign so much? i find throwing in some orals ...
whats your injection scheduale look like? hitting sust EOD? why do you feel that 750mgs of test isnt cutting it?