Last seen: Jan 15, 2019
Ive used both and noticed no difference.
how about Gotfina's Purala too, i rmeber macro stating some people said it wasnt good, and the lab assay was fake. We should have 3 people order, and ...
Posted by: Fonz Well...racemic ala. Biotin should always be taken with r-ala. 1mg/100mgGLA+r-ALA(+Biotin) will enhance R-ALAAnd then CLA+GLA+R-ALA(+B...
Posted by: neurotic There's more to estrogen anabolic properties than IGF-1. There are 3 processes aside from IGF-1 which, supossedly, make estrogen ...
thats it? so if i take her birth control(ortho trycyclin) say a few days prior i should be good to go? BTW, in laymens terms, what the hell is epitest...
Posted by: DRveejay11 Iced....what'd you get nailed for? They SUALLY don't run "AS" tests for probation! im not 100% sure on this, but if its AAS rel...
I had a friend try pgf2, he said the injection pain was horrible, forget about a real job if you try to inject 5x a day, he was in the bathroom more t...
i have alwasy liked 8-10 weekers, but i will soon be entering probation, and every month ill get a test/epitesterone check, so im thinking 2 on 2 off,...
Posted by: bjjfighter How bout the myth that drinking winny is just as effective as IM.? i think the difference is minmal at best.
Posted by: Nandi12 If it's one thing I always try to stress here iced is do your own research and try to draw your own conclusions. You should be fam...
Any thoughts on MAcro's responses?
Someone posted your myths at steroidology, this was macro's response:notation #1NANDI has never taken or used any of the drugs above. (except perhaps ...
That tren or fina is very hard on the kidneys and liver.
i just received my products yesterday, everything checked out as legit on kalpas website. im going to start the cycle in 3 weeks of 500 mg deca with 6...
I wondered if anyone had anything negative to say about it, they were acting like it was the 2nd coming of Christ on Anasci.