Last seen: Apr 4, 2020
A certain amount of caution is always necessary with anything in life! I do agree with that giujr. And for you HR, yes hope and faith, your latin is i...
The one great method for BF% IMO would be the hydrodynamic or water displacement. Expensive unless you know some people but it is right on. as stated ...
Your levels of the ol swimmers can decrease by about 30-40 percent as well from zinc shortages! Gotta get that ZMA!!! Well you could also just go to G...
You will have to "try it before you buy it!" 5x5 could work great for you. when i am going for mass i usually shoot for 3x6 heavy as shit or 4x5 same ...
nice link!
damn man! jb
If i wanted more strength in my arms for mountain bike riding i would be doing a lot of pushups. that is the natural movement to help with the impact ...
i have read in several magazines and online that you can develop small characteristics to your muscles by posing and flexing. the small triceps peaks ...
Couldnt agree more with walking on a treadmill at an incline for those heavy heavy bulking cycles. For those leaner cycles, the ol windsprints "stated...
I will only review the Trenloab-A and Testolab-P, as I won't be using the Mastolab. I pin 50mg Test P daily, it draws easily, and injection is smooth,...
test prop 40mg / tren ace 75mg / mast prop 60mg ED 12 weeks this was an incredible cycle for me.not much weight change. i gained 4 pounds but lost qui...
sounds like some good stuff!! My mom used to give my brother and i a teaspoon a day when we were younger. Guess i should still!
Absolutely man, i threw in some dry roasted(no salt) peanuts too for some variety. i am feeling much better and i dont have to worry about that feelin...
For my snacks, i picked up some almonds and i eat about half a cup. They are really a good snack i must admit. They give me the crunch factor i was lo...