Last seen: Nov 4, 2020
Cool !
This is a spammer .The same post is on many boards.It is a prelude to a spam attack .There are many new members with strange post .All I'll bet will b...
I've never had ED . quote:What are your biggest sexual concerns in your relationship with your partner? Satisfaction and pleasure for us both .
I was 57 yesterday and I have never ...never had a problem getting a hard on.I also to test- e regularly
Send me the sust and I'll got through the pain for you ..OK ?;-)
It just happen to me Monday ...Months go by ok ! Then one day it will hurt like hell.
I am not of any help on Keto dosing , but if you are sure of the dose is all you have to do is weigh it out on a scale .A "mg" is a weight measurement...
It doesn't work that way .For example if I had Testosterone- e and it was 250mg/ml that would mean I had 250 mg per every ml.If I had 3 mg's of test a...
I'm really Blue and wife has Green and she does make more money than I .
Posted by: neworleansgt My eye color is green but lately the cornea or what ever has a yellow tinge to it That cause you are full of piss and ...
Red ! hehe !