Last seen: Nov 4, 2020
Hey Brother Magnesium Where do you get your?First are you in the US ?
Thanks I am a lot better , but as it turned out it was a cyst instead and it gave me blood poisoning.but I'm 98% OK now.
Yes ! I've been told that over at PM
Thanks to both of you for the advice ,but at the moment is is killing me !I'm with you Bellina, I almost passed out just getting out of bed a short wh...
Its the same for me ...My grandmother said that a idle mind is the Devils work shop.So ! I keep busy .I challenge myself with certifications (testing)...
I have No comment other than I have commented on this before.Oh Well ! I guess I gotta !He won't go to the Doc ...So ! You can NOT be your own Psychia...
You know that you post is plagiarized for Sam Adams article at Ezine.If you do post such next time please reveal your source.
I miss read that !No muscle gains ! That is strange .Why in the world would a person not want muscle gains?
IMHO no cycle should be without test .
Honey bees don't live in the dirt .The winter I only provide sugar water for food.They maintain core temp for the developing young by "Balling"(gather...
I'm a beekeeper .