Last seen: Jun 2, 2020
I have had good results on focusing on heavy heavy weight with less rep, more concentrated. Always has helped me increase my rep max
I have had good results on focusing on heavy heavy weight with less rep, more concentrated. Always has helped me increase my rep max
I used the old Reforvit B Oral Dbol. 1/2cc under my tongue 4 times daily. Total of 50mg
Good to hear you are doing better bro. I hope things continue to go well for you. I struggled with Depression, and still do at times. i think being he...
@getthatmoney no, no, no bro, no PayPal, you ain't buying from Amazon, personally i use bitcoins, 'cause its safe and anonymous -> is what we are l...
I dont even like to use WU online to send funds to a source. I get very paranoid when it comes to stuff like that. I guess its better to be safe and p...
To me its not worth it bro. There are easier, safer ways to get your gear from a source
I always had less pain if I mixed in a little EQ as well with injections.
Baby Blue
Posted by: dario I thought i've read somewhere that if hte oral is a 17aa it doesn't matter if you take w/food or not. I would take it with fo...
I think it all depends bro on exactly what you are taking. An empty stomach can sometimes decrease the bioavailability but increase the onset. I alway...
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