Last seen: Jul 7, 2022
Posted by: Visions GSO = Grapeseed oil but what is EO Ethyl Oleate.Most UG's nowadays are using it as the carrier oil for their gear.It allows ...
Never heard of deca specifically aiding in gain retention. The keys to retaining gains from a cycle are: HCG use on cycle, proper pct, proper diet and...
Posted by: FrenchMuscle is it necessary to take Nolvadex with sustaton? No it is not....read my friend, read..
Posted by: FrenchMuscle ... just need infos about the juices and the pct All the info you need is on this site bro.Read and then read some more...
Posted by: FrenchMuscle Thanks Gustavo for your answer. What is better to build high quality dense muscles: sustanon or primo? Test bro.The fou...
Why are you running the sust only 4 weeks?? That is barely enough time for it reach full blood levels and start to work. Also 5 weeks of primo will no...
No it is not a waste of time. There is a synergy when running both deca and EQ and i am feeling it right now.
Primo is very different than deca. nice lean gains, moderate strength gains and great while dieting to stave off muscle loss. Deca is better for stren...
Six weeks min IMO with Tren Ace or NPP.
I recently read an article (i'll try to find it) that claimed that clen actually destroyed heart cells....i know i'll never touch that stuff again..
Posted by: deadliftstoheaven If your suppose to keep your HCG in the fridge then wouldn't it be cold and when you inject it?I would think that would...
First time running IGF-1..read over the different protocols and settled on 50mcg (25mcg shot bilaterally) immediately post workout on weight training ...
No it is not necessary to increase the dosages on EVERY successive cycle. At some point the sides of high doses far outweigh the benefits. That said 7...
Well everyone reacts differently, that goes without saying....you are doing a very moderate dose though and getting results, right on. Sides are dose ...
First off, welcome to site. Good to have you here. Please do not take offense to the feedback you have been given. Believe me bro, your best interest ...