Last seen: Jul 19, 2022
hope you do enough research b4 you mess yourself up...
how old is she? if she is older then she probably isnt worried about getting pregnant...
damn good stuff!!!
love these:- test e 250- Mastaplex 100- Primoplex 100
yes, you can drink injectable winny but it is not as effective...it is better to be injected...as for the pain, i have never had any pain from injecta...
please dont tell us that you just ordered some stuff without doing your research & now you are asking for advice to take what you have ordered...?
Posted by: Mass08 warm it as in on top of a stove? yup, fill up the pot to about half way up the vial & then heat on medium for about 20min...
you can bake it like suggested above or you can fill up a pot with some water about half way up the vial & then warm it on medium for about 20minu...
you can do it that way but it is better to split it up to keep your blood levels stable...
using it since February & have no complaints
it all depends on how the batch is made...more alcohol content will cause it to sting/burn more...
Enanthate over Cypionate...dont get the bloated face off of Enan as opposed to Cyp...
i am not very sure on this but i am going to say that i wouldnt run Tren & Deca in the same cycle...Tren can shut you down real hard & the sid...
never used any others so cant compare but the kalpatropin has been GOOD so far!
pinch your nipple & pull away from the muscle...if there is a knot under the skin where you pinched then there is gyno there...if you have had a p...