Last seen: Aug 27, 2020
quote:Not at all. I have been plagued by overtraining three years ago and I could never manage to get over it to this day. I have researched it enough...
Rest & OvertrainingBy: Jeff BeharIn order to improve performance (gain size, strength and/or definition) you've got to work hard. However, hard tr...
If total volume is decreased but frequency increased that's a different story. So what you're saying is you would recommend a total body workout 3x/we...
Posted by: ready2explode This is true, but you're forgetting that your training other body parts too. For example, if you were to only train chest it...
Posted by: ontime34 I have been going out with my girlfriend for 2 and a half years and still havent gotton laid yet. She is a 26 year old virgin and...
I saw that study. I figured I'd give it a shot for myself. Is there any way it could actually have a reverse effect and make me add abdominal fat thou...
I have the DF formula and I still feel like I'm holding fat/water.
JGUNS gets even more protein that I do. My intake depends a lot on my work schedule. What I ate today looked like this:12PM-Roast Beef and Provolone o...
I'm eating about 2800cal per day. About 300g protein 300g carb and around 80g fat. Cardio is elliptical, walking on incline, etc. HR around 70-75% of ...
Posting up my review for the 7Lab's Sustalab-250 I got in the last order. So I did a test run with the Sustalab-250 to see the quality I was already o...
I have used Albuterol from the CEM Store will little to no side effects. I would take claims of Cissux healing tendon injuries with a grain of salt. C...
The half-life of cytomel is about 2.5 days making it unnecessary to split the dosage throughout one day.
It's nothing that you can't figure out for yourself however he uses science and combines it with real world results and makes it a no-brainer for you.
I don't think any oral is great for keeping gaining post-cycle aside from perhaps Anavar. I think that Dbol or anadrol combined with test makes a very...