Last seen: Aug 27, 2020
Where do you get it at and how does it compare to adequan?
T3 in conjunction with Albuterol and Ketotifen however, awesome.
To be honest with you, I never really saw good results running T3 alone. Maybe it's just me. I have used multiple brands also.
I am also of the opinion that you can lose bodyfat by simply adjusting the macronutrient ratios with minimal caloric deficit. Especially in the initia...
Why the decision to drop your caloric intake so low right away? I would start tapering it down or your metabolism is going to screech to a halt becaus...
Posted by: MasterShake acetate is too short to make a frontloading The idea is to raise blood plasma concentration quickly.
If you are frontloading, why choose Tren Enanthate over acetate?
How many times can we address the same issue? I'm not flaming, but it is a physiological fact: IT TAKES LONGER THAN 4 WEEKS TO ACCUMULATE A SIGNIFICAN...
Libido is a delicate balance and requires a precise test/estrogen balance. It is possible that aromatization at a higher dose would affect your sex dr...
I never experienced itchy nipples before the formation of small lumps.
Check out Good resource for the pro-circ camp. Just take everything they say with a grain of salt.
Posted by: liftsiron Hot water bro. Agreed. After withdrawing into the syringe I ran it under scolding hot water. It worked wonders for me.
Have you tried warming the oil before injecting? I always thought it couldn't do that much but I used this technique back when ttokkyo sust was notori...
Posted by: ready2explode To the poster:High dose var is what I recommend if you are dead set on running it. 80mgs a day and up. Why would you want to...