Last seen: Feb 3, 2023
CLOMID IS A MUST, definitely ROCK_123
Hmmm..I just have never eaten during a workout session, especially during leg workouts. If i ate, i fucking throw-up with all the pressure built in th...
Damn some good info if I ever needed help with this particular matter-but yeah bro good luck!!
thanks for all the information-my friend feels "safer" now
I had no idea they test for creatine. I mean it is found naturally in our bodies anyways. Are you sure it was creatine they tested? I thought they onl...
I know, he also has a curfew-his life sucks but he's free
hmm... thats odd but it all makes sense-thanks for the info-as far as the tests that are being give, im not really sure-he's trying to find out what k...
I dont even know, but the creatine is not really what he's worried about. He's just flipping out because of the 1 cc of 250 QV Enanthate he did-I thin...
Originally posted by regino007 I had no idea they test for creatine. I mean it is found naturally in our bodies anyways. Are you sure it was creatine ...
Originally posted by Anomeley Can anyone say..........STUD! Good job bro! :bow1: Damn-i agree a hundred percent, you might as well have one of your li...
Yeah, I agree with ByXmas-its basically trial and error and to go with lower dose with be safer anyway. This is in part because you could always bump ...
I'm interested in the new myoplex too, can anybody help out??
Yeah slin pins are the way to go, so ez to use-so nice and comfortable-lol :D
Grrrrreeeeaatttt!! I've bumped myself up to 10 in two weeks-Growth and all-gotta luv it!!!!!