Last seen: Jul 23, 2022
Inject MORE slowly, the knot you feel is from injecting too quickly. Also, the soreness you are encountering could be from injecting the needle too sl...
for future ref though post up what you are trying to accomplish and give us some stats for us to work with and understand what it is you're working to...
I would choose the winny but also remember that you WILL have to run HCG with that. You WILL also HAVE to run a PCT which should include Clomid and an...
Love the enth. Haven't tried the cyp or winny as of yet but I'm sure there all good.
Bumping IP on running EQ. It will help strengthen your tendons by leaps and bounds as well as raise your RBC which keep cortisol levels down and allow...
Don't forget about what 69eclipse said also, HCG is a MUST with any cycle. It will help keep your boys functioning and will make rebounding easier whe...
Posted by: longlegs I might be trying some injectable winny in the very near future ill keep everyone posted.Ive done the oral with good results, bu...
The biggest difference is that taking the oral Winny lowers SHBG which is a gylcoprotein and in lowering it raises free test levels. The injectable ha...
Yes ppl do take the injectable winny and drink and yes it hurts so much b/c its suspended in water. I haven't tried it myself but have known others wh...
Yes the oils are lighter in coloration but everything is 100% and I personally like the axio products better than BD's. The AAS are painless and smoot...
The proven way to gain mass is DIET. It doesn't matter what you run if your diet isn't spot on you will NOT get the results you are seeking.There is m...
Def no complaints about anything that Axio makes. Everyone has had great results from Axio Labs including myself.
Its test bud. I L O V E axio's test and yes the coloration isn't real yellowish. The results I have gotten from it is awesome. So don't worry bud it's...
I personally think that prop is superior to enth and cyp. I have feel much better on Prop and actually have less bloat on Prop. I get better gains and...
I looked at your numbers in relation to themselves (the ratios). The tren is a 1:1 ratio and the dbol is a 2:1 ratio. I don't believe that dbol is twi...