Last seen: Dec 29, 2024
but calories and maintenance usually equals cutting less than maintenance = losing muscle number 1 thing that will bulk or cut is the calories FLEX
add in 1cc of cyp to the sus shot and it will be good also taper the last week like just shoot the sus FLEX
i'd say it will sit there longer and it should be considered a loss and be carefull if it does go out FLEX
i'd do only one oral at a time i'd do a injectable with it i would not do winny if your after strength and mass increase as you might have a injury fr...
you should be sitting alot cause your kidneys are going to be wacked---thats 170mg's a day oral and fina oral??did i miss something here?? i assume yo...
athletes have enlarged hearts to some degree natural or not doesn't matter FLEX
email me:) FLEX
Certain company people where beginning to hear/look and that was going to spell trouble/losing for everyone involved(if people still want it) Handle a...
Originally posted by John Galt Call Inzer Advanced Designs, 800-222-6897, "The best powerlifting belts in the world". I like the leverlock- no more wr...
i'll have to look around and see you will prob want a powerlifting belt---i think they are best for heavy lifts in squats/deads FLEX
keep a eye out for yellowing in the eyes(where the whites are) and (around finger tips i think it is??not sure)and remember drink plenty of water to k...
1st---calories 2nd--rest people don't under stand how important rest is for recouperation and i think i included that in my beginners cycles in the ar...
i think the other product they made was actually cyp i think??DB?? but mine where the 250mg/ml FLEX
well shit,wished i had skipped this thread but here's my OPONION and MY OPONION ONLY i have used Heptylate before(100 amps)so i do know how it works a...