Last seen: Dec 20, 2024
I would imagine you would have at least some water retention / bloat from eq since it has among the longest ester of all AS and increases estrogen and...
I understand that bro, but he'll get some bloat and water retention from eq nonetheless. So, if he's really concerned about the "blowing up" look, an ...
Then run femera or adex thoughout. As for the cycle, I like ironman's idea, but prop is typically a lil more expensive than long ester tests, so, if t...
The test/dbol/whinny part looks good, but bump the EQ to 400mg EW... 600 if you have used it before. No comment on the HGH. You shouldn't use insulin ...
I sure hope you're talking about post-cycle, as in AFTER a cycle of anabolic steroids... If so, then your plan would probably work fine. I would just ...
Originally posted by ncstate .. BF 5... I need to borrow the calipers these guys use :D ...cycle plan looks good though. If you didn't know sust was t...
Don't even think about a 5wk cyp/eq cycle. You don't run short cycles with long ester compounds; that's just silly. Gains would kick in week 3 or so, ...
Originally posted by BigWill I always get headaches reading cycle plans like this. Funny, the part about spring break being the "main goal" was what g...
Originally posted by Alac .. my stats are 5'11'' 169 lbs. will i see substantual results? You'd probably continue to see substantial results from eati...
Creatine is virtually can't miss since it occurs naturally in the body and acts to create an osmotic bloat. How many grams did you use and when? I thi...
Wow man, I've never seen anyone who plans to injecting a liter of AS each week! I'm surprised you can afford all that.... I'd get labs done often too....
Do more research next time. An air bubble is what you're supposed to and want to get.
Originally posted by 250ByXmas I would strongly urge you to wait at least another 6-9 months before considering steroids. You've only been training fo...
The only real uses of B12 I hear of are to have an excuse for having syringes around or to cut painful gear like PL stuff. Just eat more. You need to ...
Regardless of what ester or blend of esters you use, the more frequent your shots are, the more constant your levels will be. As was mentioned, sustan...