Last seen: Feb 9, 2024
good on you boxer for staying alive when i hear stuff like this my blood boils. i like to think that people like that will get what they deserve in th...
those numbers look worrying to be honest, but the trend is what id expect when it comes to a person who has a lot of muscle mass after a workout (need...
quick6, step has the right idea. forst try to determine the cause of the anxiety, and deal with that if you can after that, drugs may or may not be us...
hard to find prim, as far as i know only a few of the roiders i know have ever come into contact with it, most of them are on vet gear cheers
same way youd approach any girl dont put her up on a pedistal, put her in a bed, where she belongs cheers
pacesetter you got it in one here in the northern territory we had cops pulling nightclub patrons onto the street to breathalyse them says it all real...
complete agreement with previous two posts sure its great to put on muscle but if you are starting at 20% and are a beginner, getting fatter is most l...
ive dispensed it, it is a useful agent, and will be effective if the organism that you are infected with is susceptible to it if your doc prescribed i...
if i work out a bodypart, it feels pumped for about 3-4 days, and i know that if i trained it again i will be able to lift heavier, more if i leave it...
lol these fat chick posts remind me of Pulp Fiction personality goes a loooong way it fucken bloody better lol YOOOO test-x i forgot i registered here...
nah bro tight and lean all the way, as long as their boobs are ok fat chicks just look off when theyre naked...even worse than when theyre clothed.......
like youve figured its a mental problem not a physiological so stop thinking about ur test levels you might want to chat to a sex therapist about it, ...
bro all i can say is... welcome to the fsking club :D