Last seen: Jun 20, 2019
fair enough, but ive done the 2 weeker thing (actually three weeks of anavar 20mg) and it didnt really work for me, though the ten weeks is also a bit...
dude, did you see my cycle? Its ten weeks of tren, are you serious my nutz are size of peas take my word for it, hCG is MANDATORY after my cycle, 150m...
quote: I use halo at 20mgs for four weeks at a time ed, and really don't experience any sides at that dose and duration.i had no sides from that cycle...
i see fair enough thanks for the responcesactually, what could be the reason for the aclaimed hunger caused by bold?
quote:I think boldenone is crap, so no, I would not agree with that cycle. quote:I don't like EQ.out of curiocity, why?
you sould do a write up about nuclear receptors, but in all their glory, co activators and all
agreed with hitmebackalso, try using contrast showers and massage if you can afford them.they help alot with recovery
"I definitely agree epote. I have read about 40 posts on this board and a few others, and none of them mention a pct after a winstrol cycle."probably ...
dude:Pis there any reason NOT to run a pct? You will get shut, its in your best interest to bring back your HPTA as fast and eficiently as possible
Quick response and tracker sent to me without asking. Pretty fast for overseas 1 week total. My buddy has been using the dbol since I don't like runni...
i do alot of small orders as i can never seem to trust one supplier. Even with the biggest around, it feels like they have over on you as they know yo...
you are the man!