Joined: Jun 23, 2018
Last seen: Jun 20, 2019
Topics: 4 / Replies: 41
RE: Anavar does ?

40-60mgread up more

6 years ago
RE: nolva w/ tren, prop

its been referenced in bibliography that it can yes, but in practice...i had NO progestagenic sides with up to 180mg Tren Ace/week and 10mg nolva/50mg...

6 years ago
RE: Drug Screen Question

no they dont, its a prety excencive test

6 years ago
RE: gyno question

true i stand corrected

6 years ago
RE: gyno question

quote:Glad to hear that, thanks for the info bro.lol ok, no the reason i was kind of agressive was bacause it came to me as a revelation, i was readin...

6 years ago
RE: gyno question

quote:What are the symptoms of developing gyno??? I am currently on 600mb prop/week and dont feel anything around my breasts. Is it possible to develo...

6 years ago
RE: no longer a virgin

quote:great, more energy, sleep better, better recover, overall mood betterdamn those horrible AAS side effects!

6 years ago
RE: Serm/AI Definition And It's Products

quote:oth of these drugs act as anti-estrogens in their capacity to oppose the negative feedback of estrogens on the hypothalamus and stimulate the he...

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 2476
RE: Maximizing "Nerve Transmission" With T Inj

edit:i forgot to adress some issues1)regarding simply lowering the volume of speed work during tapering. Well you DO that, for an elite athlete the ta...

6 years ago
RE: Maximizing "Nerve Transmission" With T Inj

quote:Very often, the strength gains from weights is offset by the accompanying hypertrophy (specifically sarcoplasmic hypertrophy), which impedes acc...

6 years ago
RE: GH - (ed verses eod)

quote:Professional sprinters use 2.5iu EOD.mathematitian bastard mode /on:used at least untill 2000 when someone gave uo the program.now its most like...

6 years ago
RE: Spring Cutting Cycles

Test Prop, tren and halo for me

6 years ago
RE: Maximizing "Nerve Transmission" With T Inj

quote:Nowhere in the book does it say 14 times, but epote thought that he could safely double that figure because fools like triguy and GNT wouldn't k...

6 years ago
RE: Maximizing "Nerve Transmission" With T Inj

"The biomechanics of runningTom F. NovacheckMotion Analysis Laboratory, Gillette Children �s Specialty Healthcare, Uni6ersity of Minnesota, 200 E. Uni...

6 years ago
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