Last seen: Jun 25, 2022
Posted by: above6k If I could only get my hands on enough to run for say 2-3 months, would it still be worthwhile to consider? Legit human grad...
I just ended a cycle with dbol at the end, haven't had any issues with recovery, but I ran Adex on cycle the whole time. I like to sometimes start and...
That's all bullshit really. It just depends on how you react to the drug. Some people go on and on about how there are "cutting" and "bulking" drugs b...
I haven't started yet, but 40mcg split bi-laterally immediately PWO E3D. I'm going to do a month of that, then a month of pegMGF, then a month with bo...
If it's from China, electronics is always a good one.
Make sure you have a steady hand when the needle is in the muscle, moving around too much will bruise it and cause inflammation. Other than what above...
I've been on GH for a while and this is my 5th run with it so I'm pretty comfortable with the dosing, I could go higher, but it's just too damn expens...
Yup, definitely. In my split I always go heavy the first round at the beginning of the week for groups I'm doing double up on and then do a lighter wo...
Here's my split, I'm not natty so it might be a bit much for those that are:Week 1Monday – Chest/Back Width/AbsTuesday - Arms/ShouldersWednesday - Off...
Great info. I'll definitely be following this next round.