Last seen: Feb 20, 2024
Pro-hormones also shut you down. Same as aas.
To all the Christians posting here, read the bible. It is sad when an athiest knows more about how we should treat people than you do. Read John 14, c...
I don't understand the meaning behind your first paragraph. Its a pet peeve of mine when people suggest that evolution is far from being proven. Volum...
Originally posted by Wide When he tells you that Hydrogen Peroxide is 2 hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms, yes you believe him on faith, but the rea...
Originally posted by Wide When he tells you that Hydrogen Peroxide is 2 hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms, yes you believe him on faith, but the rea...
Arimidex works well. 1mg EOD has done me right. Taking it through out the cycle. When doesn't matter much I just do it at the same time as the inject.
Doing 150mg EOD no bromo and no problems or mood swings.
Dbol bloats you to much to compare to EQ. Eq will give leaner gains and mad vascularity. Dbol is also an oral you run for 4 weeks.
Maybe this Week 1-3,10-12 100mg Test Prop EOD Week 6-12 Tren 75mg ED/EOD Week 1-10 500mg Enan EW
Before microwaving at 200mg/ml on the left (yellow is tren white is test prop) On the right is the finished product. Been in cold room no precipitatio...
My animal has have, it is wonderful. 200mg/ml of test prop and 200mg/ml of Tren Ace. No pain on injection, even into calf. The next day when the oil i...
Yep sorry did the math completely wrong. :)
Best bet is to put 67ml of rubbing acl in a vial, mark the line at the top, then pour it out and let it dry completely. Than add your powder, your sol...
Get tren enan and save the EOD pokes. if your running it very long. Upto 8 weeks EOD isn't bad at all, kind of fun in a sick way :)
Ummm get some clomid QUICK, hit up research kits or sciensupply or contact LR and tell whoever you talk to that you need it overnighted yesterday. ANo...