El Hefe
El Hefe
Estimable Member
Joined: Jun 5, 2019
Last seen: Jan 28, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 110
RE: Trenabol Depot 200

break up the shots to 100mg per cc and cut it with sterile oil or another compound if need be, also run the loaded syringe under warm tap water to thi...

4 years ago
RE: Oxydrol Tablets

Posted by: ynot_5_0 Thank you DK anytime....thanks

4 years ago
RE: Oxydrol Tablets

Posted by: ynot_5_0 If taking 50mg a day...Should I split the tab in half or just take it whole?Also, does it matter when I take it? I slpit th...

4 years ago
RE: Oxydrol Tablets

I would start out with 50mg a day and see how you react drol can betuff on some people. 10mg sounds like alot in my opnion but alot do it.I prefer to ...

4 years ago
RE: Oxydrol Tablets

This s another compound that makes you feel strong all the time like Dbol.Its real easy to hurt yourself over training and that what will happen, you ...

4 years ago
RE: Testabol Depot

ahh its no pain at all for me....Andropen has much more of a bite then cyp.

4 years ago
RE: Testabol Depot

test depot=cyp its great stuff all I use...

4 years ago
RE: short 4 week mass cycle

to short, in my opnion, you will drop most of the mass/water you gain.also looking for gyno with suspentiona dn dbollater

4 years ago
RE: D-Bol working?

give it time, every cycle is different, if you feel the dobl working and your not getting the water then your lucky.

4 years ago
RE: Haloplex

its very toxic to the liver so be carefull with this compound, its not someting that I would run in all my cycles, personlay there are better ways to ...

4 years ago
RE: Deca related gyno

uzi either can cause it on its own but to mix them is looking for troublein my opnion, but im sure some can do it. Load up on b-6 brother for 2 to 3 w...

4 years ago
RE: Primobol Potency??

Posted by: livingsteel Hey Bro,Dragon Pharma Primo was 100g/ml not 200g/ml! he was talking oral primo pooh flinger.

5 years ago
RE: Primobol Potency??

contact the gear site bro, thats why they have a customer service.new lab new prices better quality maybe?

5 years ago
RE: Testoxyl Enanthate 250

Do a search the labs should be up on the site somewhere.as far as th quality I can say its 2nd to none.

5 years ago
RE: just wondering..

Bump Big guy can help you out with the diet, and I know a few of us can get you a good cycle, you can make big gains off a small amount of the right s...

6 years ago
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