Last seen: Jan 28, 2024
the least I would go with is 400 test and 300eq.most hit the basic 500 test and 400eq and it works well.thanks
bump the above.where did you get that cycle from? 250mg of test is just enoughto shut your natural test down and replac it with about the same amout y...
Posted by: cretinx I was told that tren is so anabolic in the absence of aromatising testosterone it is a VERY potent fat burnerI'm not worried abou...
I would never do an all oral cycle and all short cycle would be at least6 weeks with test prop as a base, I personaly dont see this going squaltin the...
if he told you that then he would have to kill you, the cycle is importantbit not nearly as important as the diet is, Id rater have kick ass diet info...
400mg of Test Prop a week is going to kill you brother. its not enoughyour levels are going to all over the place unless you plan on shooting50.5 mg p...
Posted by: Youngnatty Sorry , but i had to BUMP this.D.k , Gus and the rest ,thanks bros for your advice on cutting gear with grapessed oil, it real...
Posted by: Youngnatty does it matter which one you first load up the syringe with, gear or grapeseed oil???? no I draw my test in one syring th...
hey bro the sting comes from one of 2 things, 1 is ther body's reaction to the ester in the test, the 2nd would be the reaction to the Ba% witch is ad...
Lovex is pretty much the same as viagra but it also contains a bp medication so that you will get the same great effects of viagra and none of the neg...
How do you know its weak did you get gyno while using it?
hey bro whats the mg/ml on that winny, you do no that winny is liver toxic as well? Dont worry winny only you wont get big at all and once the cycle i...
to short, in my opnion, you will drop most of the mass/water you gain.also looking for gyno with suspentiona dn dbollater
hey bro t-bol is turnabol witch is good for a bulker you will get no negative sides like excess bloating and gyno. D-bol on the other hand will give y...
Hey bro, are you getting the pins and needles when injecting or all the time?as far as the gains if your droping fat using deca and dbol then we need ...