Last seen: Jan 28, 2024
I been around the voards for abut 5 years and am on about 20 at this time some are open source sites with every supplier known to man, I have never he...
Posted by: jerkoli Well Im glad to find someone who doesnt feel like you need to do a bulker first time around. I originally wanted a cutting cycle ...
Posted by: jerkoli Sorry I will clarify what I meant, I dont mean to hide my gains only slow how fast they show.I would just rather coworkers didnt ...
the only thing I can think to tell you is knock the test down to 400mg a weekand run it for a few more weeks alone until pct, if your looking to hide ...
what will the cycle look like, and post your stats.bulk cycles do just that bulk you up, for me too much too fast.I dont like water retention at all, ...
I dont understand your thinking on this, your looking to birdge the time between the end of your deca and pct with winny? what does your entire cycle ...
Posted by: gustavo77 PCT will consist of:days 1-760mg/nolva & 150 mg clomid8-1440mg/nolva & 100mg clomid15-2120mg/nolva &50mg clomidAlso...
for your 1st cycle I would say 12 weeks is long enough, see how you react if you feel your body is up to it then finish out the 15 weeks. Also you may...
no need to taper the deca or test it makes no difference at all run the deca for the full 10 weeks also. Yout using a bot too much hcg for my choice s...
there really isnt going to be any 3 or 4 weeks cycles that I can give you that will have any decent results, you need at least 6 weeks to hit up a dec...
Posted by: gustavo77 Again D.K. thank you for the quick response, you mods make genxxl what it is....the very best. I try....thanks bro
Posted by: gustavo77 Thanks bro for the quick reply, I will due the Sun/Wed, does sound much easier...So 4 wks is long enough on the D-bol?Cause ult...
yeah should be fine on the D-bol, I never needed more then 40mg to pack on mass. As far as the test just hit 250mg sunday and 250 on wensday, makes it...
For a sloid 1st time bulk cycle I would hit up to one of the following.week 1-4 40mg dbol e/dweek 1-10 500mg Test enthweek 1-10 400mg decaI prefer les...
age/wt/ht body fat% cycle experiance, how long have you been training.and what does your diet look like?