Last seen: Feb 7, 2024
Ward - Might want to post this someplace else.. People here are interested in gaining muscle/size not loosing it.. Do a search for a weight loss forum...
How about a TUNA - SHAKE: 1 can tuna 2 scoops Optimum Whey protein 3 cups frozen strawberries
Did you order a kit?? 2G kit you will require 1 CART 4G kit you will require 2 CARTS 8G kit you will require 4 CARTS Order the kits bro, do some searc...
Yea same here.. Providing spots is important, but just as important is finding a individual who knows how to provide a proper spot, i'd get someone el...
Good deal bro, Nice gains.. keep eating..
Yea great info!!
Bro sorry to hear that!! Do you know if you are allergic to what they gave you? Did the doc ask you?? The reason I say this a similar thing happened t...
I agree..Go as far as you can go without AAS, which means train, eat, train, and eat some more..Make sure you are consuming enough protein/carbs and d...
I hear you bro.. ..There are guys at my gym who smell like a dead pucking rotting cow.. I mean they have no personal hygene, wear the same cloths ever...
Originally posted by littlewilly Also steroids cause uncontrolable rage, homosexuality, impotence, uncontrolable farting, and the constant compulsion ...
Welcome to bolex Bunny...