Last seen: Sep 23, 2024
Depends how big and lean you are Cutie - sometimes people just assume as it's pretty obvious. In my experience bodyfat has more to do with it than siz...
Originally posted by PNIG I love the one myth regarding getting ripped, diet and drugs. People will always tell you "without the proper diet, you wont...
ANother crap article - do not read body building magazines! Delts - yes you should be benching, military presses, chins, barbell rows, but after a cer...
I have gone through periods of no sleep for 2 days straight - and I feel like shit! I need 8 hours or am grumpy as hell
Yeah Im like that too, Im 27 and I want to fuck 18 year - 21 year olds. I also like older women too, women my own age I'm not so interested in, younge...
happy birthday mate!
I would use 500IU ED for 10 days in the 5th week. Then on the day of your last shot of test, start the same 10 day regime, using 50mg of clomid along ...
Olympia your posts are starting to worry me and I like peeing in girl's butts!
I take 20mg EOD mate
I always do, no loss in gains. Your cholesterol is better at the end. Though mine is never that bad, but it lessens the lipid effects of steroids bein...
Yeh that sounds way over the top by anyone'e standards. I was thinking last night after I read that your sister has anorexia that perhaps you have a b...
I used to be a long distance runner 10km and 10 mile, some ok times. Shot put and javelin would be pretty good training I think. I was into bodybuildi...
Has a search on the net for the university policies not shown up the detailsmate? I think that's your best bet. What field events are you going to do?...
Originally posted by Wrought 21g? I only use those things for loading the syringe, can't imagine using them on my arms. I agree. You are causing scar ...