Last seen: Mar 4, 2020
I think nandi get the answer..I don't know why he dosn't give an answer...just kidding!
Posted by: Naughty Nurse Those are excellent posts Lifts. Excellent, but they don't answer my question. natron, I'm not looking for the magic number....
I know there isn't any kind of thyroid suppression.but this isn't my question.I try to be clearer:if u supplement 150mcg of T3, u can stay on T3 for a...
Have you guys ever used the gaspari stack (sizeOn, superpump, plasmajet and novedx)? What do you think about it?I'm thinking to buy it...
high doses of clen(200mcg/daily) and small amount of t3 seem to work well for me.beza is a good drug tooNolvadex+proscar+minoxidil+spiroderm is a good...
Posted by: Big Cat So trust me, its all show. He knows he can't touch most of the brainpower on this board. And maybe the critiscism you get is corre...
Re: Lyle McDonald's response to my theory on usenet Posted by: JGUNS I was going through an old post of mine on usenet from several months ago and I ...
Posted by: Fonz I'll give you a hypothetical situation.R-ala both translocates both Glut-4's from the inside of the cell to the outside of the miocyt...
thanks for your suggestion, nitrox.so, did PE work wuite well for u?
has someone of u ever used PE?
from what I understandpseudoephedrine+caffeine+yhoimbine+ small doses of clen should work quite well.so, what do u think about :3 weeksPE+Caff+Asp and...
Posted by: needsize it increases heart rate, and speeds up metabolism hence the opportunity for greater utilization and consumption of fat. very inte...
Posted by: needsize Yes it is and really should not be gotten until you understand how you are going to use it. I don't want to sound condesending bu...