Last seen: Jan 28, 2020
damn, that was a cr@p load to read but I manage to stay awake. Looks like you have to start taking it a day before your race , bit of a mission to me ...
I know it's going to sound like a stupid question, but here goes. How is T3 and ECA Different from each other. I have been using ECA before races and ...
yes, turned out I had the flu:-/
love my ECA stack! But wanted to know, is there anything else that'll help turn stored fats, Proteins, Carbs ect into energy will racing, will clen be...
Sounds good. I don't know if 24 weeks would be advisable. I ran a similar cycle: 150mg TE and 250mg EQ for 10weeks with Arimidex and Nova / clomid aft...
Posted by: cycle-ist You are not Anemic. No ones Prefect! thx for the info, will do some more research, I've go lots of time before I'm trying a new ...
I find this very interesting: "Masteron may actually be very useful for combating estrogenic/progesteronic side effects yes, you read that right, if y...
sweet, but will it make me stronger and make me go harder in sprints, will it have recovery properties, increase in RBS? Also, you say it’ll make me h...
Thanks for the info MT, I love the Solgar product range and will start incorporating V2000 as well. I use the BCAA from them as well.
I don’t know to much about Vit B12 but did not realize it had a blocking effect?? Can you maybe elaborate madtrack?I take the occasional Vit B12 shot ...