Active Member
Joined: Dec 14, 2019
Last seen: Jan 28, 2020
Topics: 1 / Replies: 10
RE: About to get my hands on some T3, need help...

damn, that was a cr@p load to read but I manage to stay awake. Looks like you have to start taking it a day before your race , bit of a mission to me ...

5 years ago
RE: About to get my hands on some T3, need help...

I know it's going to sound like a stupid question, but here goes. How is T3 and ECA Different from each other. I have been using ECA before races and ...

5 years ago
RE: Anavar 10

yes, turned out I had the flu:-/

5 years ago
RE: Clenbuterol

love my ECA stack! But wanted to know, is there anything else that'll help turn stored fats, Proteins, Carbs ect into energy will racing, will clen be...

5 years ago
RE: Review my cycle

Sounds good. I don't know if 24 weeks would be advisable. I ran a similar cycle: 150mg TE and 250mg EQ for 10weeks with Arimidex and Nova / clomid aft...

5 years ago
RE: Mastolab-200

Posted by: cycle-ist You are not Anemic. No ones Prefect! thx for the info, will do some more research, I've go lots of time before I'm trying a new ...

5 years ago
RE: Mastolab-200

I find this very interesting: "Masteron may actually be very useful for combating estrogenic/progesteronic side effects yes, you read that right, if y...

5 years ago
RE: Mastolab-200

sweet, but will it make me stronger and make me go harder in sprints, will it have recovery properties, increase in RBS? Also, you say it’ll make me h...

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1796
RE: B12

Thanks for the info MT, I love the Solgar product range and will start incorporating V2000 as well. I use the BCAA from them as well.

5 years ago
RE: B12

I don’t know to much about Vit B12 but did not realize it had a blocking effect?? Can you maybe elaborate madtrack?I take the occasional Vit B12 shot ...

5 years ago