Last seen: Sep 16, 2019
I leave posting studies to all the smart people on this board but I can tell you my personal experience with it. I was on 1mg EOD for approximately 1 ...
Re: Re: Blocking progesterone. Posted by: gtrack Last cycle was tren enan 400mg/ew,50mg stanoz ed,30mg var ed ,cabergoline ,raloxifene and exemestane...
Posted by: guijr Will use it in the near future. How much did you use and what was the stack? #1: Test Cyp 300mg/week, bold cyp 500mg/week, anavar 75...
Posted by: guijr Research has shown some abdominal fat loss while on Anavar. Yes I remember that study...I just didn't think it would occur that quic...
I thought I'd update this thread as I may have something interesting to report. The last two times I've used test, the same abdominal distension, fat ...
Ok, here's an update on my test "issues."Recently, I did a cycle with Test Prop 200mg/day. I used HCTZ for the first time with it and I can honestly s...
Posted by: macro its an insulin sensitivity issue... though agree that the reduction in sensitivity is due to androgenic influence. reversible with v...
Posted by: macro what AI's have you used? I've used them all. The same problem would happen though...I would hold less water overall but the rate of ...
Posted by: Clarityandfocus I completely understand. Most don't realize that testosterone definitely does promote and cause male fat pattern distribut...
Posted by: jboldman good idea, doc have you tried mild diuretics like hctz?jb No I haven't and since hctz is so cheap I may give it a shot. Just keep...
Posted by: guijr Just wondering if you control salt and simple carbs intake. Yes, I've found that the only significant dietary variable is simple car...
Posted by: guijr Have you ever tried Sustanon 250? It's famous in Brazil for less bloat than cypionate and enanthate. Yes, I have tried a low as 1 am...
Posted by: jboldman to the best of my knowledge test does not have any "anti-lipolitic" properties. You have addressed the water retention issue so t...
Posted by: MarcusW Think a lot depends on your trainingstyle and diet.My experience is that I get stronger a lot easier than I get bigger and even be...