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Joined: Jul 27, 2018
Last seen: Sep 16, 2019
Topics: 2 / Replies: 77
RE: Masteron - Some doubts

Posted by: ready2explode A debate tends to bring about much information.Have you tried subbing in a higher dose of the other steroids in the stack in...

6 years ago
RE: Masteron - Some doubts

I'd respectfully disagree...Personally, masteron makes any stack better, why? not really sure but for me, it's very noticeable. Also, I've found it to...

6 years ago
RE: chalk up another one for bcaas(leucine)

I used to supplement BCAA's before/after workout but haphazardly, over the last couple months I've been religious about it and the BCAA's are definate...

6 years ago
RE: Heaviest weight on the first set?

Posted by: ready2explode Just so we know, I was referring to sets after a thorough warm-up.If a person was simply warming up, and this was the reason...

6 years ago
RE: Ventrogluteal Injection

Posted by: jboldman I have developed a fair amont of scar tissue in my quads and never had much luck with glutes, i bruise and it gets noticed. So la...

6 years ago
RE: Ventrogluteal Injection

If nurses are hitting the sciatic nerve then they shouldn't be nurses...that's pretty tough to do.

6 years ago
RE: Subcutaneous test shots

Posted by: Trevdog I haven't tried it but within the last month or so I saw some threads on steroidology about it. I believe a few guys did try it bu...

6 years ago
RE: rest intervals

For maximizing strength on multiple sets, research shows that around 3 minutes rest inbetween is necessary.

6 years ago
RE: Halo/sickness

I couldn't handle halo over 15mg/day. Symptoms were nausea, sweating and general malaise.

6 years ago
RE: Dose dependent test and satellite cell proliferation increased satellite cells = potentially new muscle fibers, correct? and if so they would be permanent.

6 years ago
RE: 12 week cutting cycle

I used to do winny at the end of cycles but stopped b/c I don't want my HDL levels in the toilet at the end of a cycle. I'd just do test/tren the whol...

6 years ago
RE: Blood Test results, advice

To be honest, with your supplement regimen I'm very suprised at some of your levels. I would consider trying phosphatidylcholine as an IM inject 50mg ...

6 years ago
RE: Dianoxyl

So I used for 12 days 50mg/everyday after sampling another brand D-bol. From this D-bol I gained 5 extra pounds strength felt the same as the previous...

6 years ago
RE: DragonPharma.Net Reviews

This is a review for Deca 300 received as part one of a two vial promo giveaway. T/A from overseas about 10 days or less. Packaging was acceptable. Us...

6 years ago
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