Last seen: Dec 27, 2024
I think it depends on whether the shrimp were bulking or cutting when they were caught. If they were bulking they probably were carbing up with slin. ...
Originally posted by xxxxxxoooooo take some b vitamins along with the water so you don't piss too clear or they might not accept the sample.your rite ...
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bolex UNIT!!! :)
Dinosaurs were atheists.
Happy birthday bull! It's funny, when I was in my early 20's I thought 25 was old. Now, Im 30 and think Im young as hell. Getting older is alot better...
I change mine often but this is it now. Mon - Quads/Hams/abs Tue - Chest/Back/calves Wed- abs Thu- Bi/Calves Fri - Shoulders/Tris/Abs Sat, Sun - Off, ...
Pick a chicken dish and get it steamed, with brown rice and sauce on the side. If you feel like it, ask for double chicken or something and tell them ...
Originally posted by baracus any off you assclowns jam to E-Town Concrete????? etown rules. but i dont like their last album much. To the guy that fir...