Last seen: May 31, 2022
hcg will be part of my order for sure, now when you say weigh the food do mean actually weigh it on a scale or weight it towards kcal? that maybe a st...
alright thanks for all the help kimble007 one more question i cant find aromisin on the gear site and i read the pct post i it says to use it 1-6 week...
Is Testaplex E 250 the same as Test Enanthate because that cant be shiped to the U.S. from ******
thanks for the help! i used dbol in my 2nd cycle and love it, so that will work again for sure.
i dont have it yet but I am 6'3" and weight about 170LBS. i eat like a horse but burn it right back off.the only way i have ever been abl to gain weig...
hcg will be part of my order for sure, now when you say weigh the food do mean actually weigh it on a scale or weight it towards kcal? that maybe a st...
alright thanks for all the help kimble007 one more question i cant find aromisin on the gear site and i read the pct post i it says to use it 1-6 week...
Is Testoxyl E 250 the same as Test Enanthate because that cant be shiped to the U.S. from ******
thanks for the help! i used dbol in my 2nd cycle and love it, so that will work again for sure.
i dont have it yet but I am 6'3" and weight about 170LBS. i eat like a horse but burn it right back off.the only way i have ever been abl to gain weig...