Last seen: Mar 21, 2025
I hate my fiance... and I mean that as a fact, in complete and utter seriousness... but her mom hates me and has wanted me gone for years, because I'm...
I was jonesing for a month Cman
hey D welcome back Cman
welcome CB, glad you made it over Cman
welcome... I don't know how appropriate that avatar is though, brother... we do have women members here CMan
welcome to the board brother, I'm looking forward to seeing your contributions... maybe posting some articles over here CMan
glad you made it back... we'll try to get as many of the articles back as we can Cman
welcome back Cman
we've never talked, but welcome anyways :P CMan
welcome back Cman
bump for the man... Judge, Jury, and Ex-Juicer Cman
hey for the first time... welcome back spank Cman
lmao... oh right :) Cman
welcome AP... damn, 1 week and 35 posts and you are already a moderator... lucky lol Cman