Last seen: Dec 21, 2024
Dunno if yates needed attention, but he seemed to hoot and holla alot in his vid :) Some may do for attention, maybe even most, but some do out of nec...
Anabolics 2002 was ok, the 03 version is $78USD!! Chemical Muscle Enhancement is the best book I have read, availble as ebook at thinkmuscle.com Litle...
Sorry Aussie, was cooking pancakes(mmm pancakes) when typing post so took about half hour to put in. Was no posts at that time, half dozen by time fin...
Protein has the lowest(highest?) TEF (Thermic effect of food). The body uses more calories to process protein than either carbs or fat. Therefore 3000...
Coorparoo, runs parallel to old cleveland rd. Have 10% off on the first wednesday of the month too. Pity my protein always runs out a week before thou...
Second the call for high pulls Messiah. Used to train a NZ junior womens olympics lifting champ, traps were mad. Olympic lifters would have some of th...
I used BodyOpus strictly and found results of the carb up less effective than a carb binge on the CKD. The eating every 2 hours screwed me up, waking ...
Another vote for EQ, that stuff almost doubled my food intake! and vascualr as a race horse!
Not in 6 days xtreme-01, just beginning, one year to go until the next QLD's, and some gains to make before then!! Once you move up here you'll be 2" ...
5am up, Sun is already rising at that time here in QLD. Gym at 6am. Bed about 930pm (sound like an old man) Same on weekends, like MC, hate sleeping i...
5am up, Sun is already rising at that time here in QLD. Gym at 6am. Bed about 930pm (sound like an old man) Same on weekends, like MC, hate sleeping i...