Active Member
Joined: Sep 10, 2022
Last seen: Sep 20, 2023
Topics: 1 / Replies: 8
RE: need some advice please

Dude, two months ago I went for a quick high and tight at a place in the mall, and the bitch shaving my head talked my wife into buying Nioxin. It is ...

2 years ago
RE: High Rep Routine

NGC, I think the point is this; lifting 300lbs and failing at the 5th rep is much harder on the JOINTS than lifting 150lbs and failing at 30. Yes, you...

2 years ago
RE: The verdict on Tren

I have used tren for over six months straight. Not only did I not feel any negative side effects, but have plenty of lab test to show that my liver, k...

2 years ago
RE: A question on future cycles and health problems..

Why does everybody assume that Fina is "harsh". I am yet to read or see a single decisive article showing that fina or tren is particularly hard on th...

2 years ago
RE: sustanon 250 vs reforvit b

To bad you didn't come here and get some advice before you wasted your first, and best cycle, on ref-b alone. Dude, you gotta do some research on this...

2 years ago
RE: how do you become a certified personal trainer?

I am no authority, but I believe that it is much easier to get the initial certification than it is to keep it. Are you not required to continually in...

2 years ago
RE: HRT is not as hard to get as you may think

Damn, let me tell you my story. I tried this and went to a doctor for blood work. Prior to going I did tren for 2 weeks and I have been dry for about ...

2 years ago
RE: A.M. Workout Routine ?'s

Thanks for all the great info. I will be doing a lot of experimenting with all these things in the weeks to come. Keepin the Peace, Cajun_Satan

3 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 525