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Joined: Jun 24, 2018
Last seen: Oct 19, 2018
Topics: 0 / Replies: 10
RE: SP Laboratories

Used sust at the mid way point tru a cycle I was running at the time,found it pretty much pip free,found it stabilized my test levels after a few week...

6 years ago
RE: RxSteroids.Net Reviews

I used this supplier as was recommended by a friend to try out the anavar Very good and quick to answer Using Kalpa Anavar at 50mg a day I could start...

7 years ago
RE: Short Steroid Cycles

The esthers definitely factor into the equation and here are the ones Roberts mentions: Winny Injectable, Trenbolone Acetate, D-Bol and doens't he use...

7 years ago
RE: Short Steroid Cycles

I agree with you. In theory the short cycles should be better all the way around, including recovery gains and so on. I like the idea. I asked this sa...

7 years ago
RE: Short Steroid Cycles

They seem to be more popular among European Bobybuilders. The last time i read something by Bill Roberts, it seemed he concluded that he would not rec...

7 years ago
RE: Dbol bridge

Here is the guys comment on it in response to where to place D-bol in a cycle: "S2k, I'd scrap the nandrolone. Replace it with eq. Drop it after week ...

7 years ago
RE: Dbol bridge

Posted by: ncsports i agree we are talking about 2 separate things here.i would use prop to "ride out" the rest of my cycle while the long esters clea...

7 years ago
RE: Dbol bridge

What you said is the response most people have so i am assuming there is validity to it.

7 years ago
RE: Dbol bridge

Posted by: Severed Ties I always come off with dbol, but I use it before clomid while I'm waiting for my injectables to taper out. Worked everytime fo...

7 years ago
RE: Dbol bridge

I don't know but i think the D-bol is a choice because of it being fast acting, so the idea is it is taken 10mg am and is out of you system by your ev...

7 years ago