Last seen: Dec 22, 2024
no, proviron shuts you down fast and doesn't do anything.
interest is in the highest 1RM explosion, not size. What to stack?
I read that halo is 2 times as strong as fina, mg for mg, and I don't suffer sides on halo.
I want the muscle gains to be lean and solid.
I am hardly taking any liver protection, and so far so good. Why 2 grams?
I took some milk thistle however I don't think it's even warranted unless you are having some pain or probs, then again perhaps that would mean you sh...
I have read that halo does not mess with the feedback mechanism. Is this true? What other ones don't do it. Primo?
Aaaaaaaarg. Someone answer. Oh well, I will see soon enough.
does it give you more wood? or does it give you larger wood?
does clomid give you a larger erection along with the increased ejaculatory volume?
I get those specs on my face sometimes. It's just from pressure. BREATHE.
I never heard of anyone going catabolic on hcg. Quite the contrary, the gains and strength improve during hcg usually.