Last seen: Oct 28, 2019
i took dbols 40mgs ed for 4 weeks and but on 15.5 pounds some water weight which comes with dbol so i dont mind that and as for strenght gains which i...
Posted by: guijr Now I'm sure you're really into a low carb diet . Not really low carb i do have sweet pototoes and other low GI foods
my fault u answered that already
Posted by: guijr IMHO, it's not a good idea, really. Lots of dangerously high saturated fat content. so you just eat it out the can?
first couple of days was ok but i started frying it up
thanks for feedback
If the eggs are oraganic u can drink them raw without getting sick Posted by: kml0331 i re-introduced raw organic eggs into my diet.....pure undenatu...
arent we talking about egg whites Posted by: guijr Since up to one-third of the population may be hyperresponders, knowing the response of an individ...
ok thanks alot because i have high chol and dont want it to get higher