Last seen: Jan 28, 2020
Roger that - used both, pro road is the way to go.
thanks - great info
As a point of comparison - I just ran 2 samples drawn with ankle blood:using 29g slin pin, ave was 52.6using 22g, ave was 54.2Pretty big difference, a...
DEXA is the best by far
I hope that is a joke...
Yes, what RG said - beat me to the punch.Best to see how you respond, to each delivery method. One never knows. Subj is way easier though, IV is a bit...
Studies I have seen show NO difference between 3x weekly dosing and 1x weekly - so I imagine ED dosing is a total waste of time
Don't discount gels - they do work quite well and are very easy to use. 1 to 2 packets/day of androgel or similar can get a man over total test of 100...
most men are defining FTP as 95% of CP20 - and most guys aren't testing it more than once/month. Depending on how you define it, FTP should be approx ...
When I raced Tri's two-a-days were almost the norm, hell, some days I did 3 workouts! Most high level tri guys do 2 workouts/day as standard fare.
I can personally attest to the effectiveness of RG's workouts and training style. Don't be fooled by the low amount of volume, these are DAMN hard wor...
are you guys shooting B12 every day?!? I got my level to 1500 after ED for a week, EOD for another week and then 1x/week after that. Can't say it's ma...