Active Member
Joined: Jul 16, 2019
Last seen: Apr 6, 2022
Topics: 3 / Replies: 8
RE: HCG unraveled...your opinions please

I couldn't disagree more with the idea of using-any amount of HCG on a daily basis, If you repeatedly inject gonadotropin your body has a higher chanc...

3 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 683
RE: Drugs of Tomorrow

Now break down what the hell myostatin inhibitors are?

4 years ago
RE: Drugs of Tomorrow

Someone also told me about something called Leuzea. This is a plant that contains a large amount of hormones that produce a VERY pronounced anabolic e...

4 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 645
RE: Steroids and Sports

Posted by: BrotherIron Certain AAS and Supplments do help with cardio and each sport has specific needs.If there weren't AAS which helped in many diff...

6 years ago
RE: Steroids and Sports

Posted by: DSchwartz13 So, I know this is a highly controversial topic and I guess I am confused on how these athletes see improvement. For example, w...

6 years ago
RE: Cloudy CJC?

Posted by: TrainerDave I ate a whole box of cereal LOL!!!! LOL thats funny I hope it wasint just something like corn flakes and you went for the good ...

6 years ago
RE: Cloudy CJC?

Posted by: TrainerDave Thanks bro, I have experience as well with the other peptides, and just never saw this, then again I was using AA, not Bac wate...

6 years ago
RE: Cloudy CJC?

Hey dave Im no CJC expert but I do have my fair share of experience with other peptides and my understanding of this is that it just hasn't achieved a...

6 years ago