Last seen: Feb 14, 2025
I am up at 5am and at the gym by 6:15am. The only thing I consume is a half a pot of coffee. I know, bad habit but... After my workout (within 30 minu...
Email allbeef. He is fast and should be more than able to help you.
Sounds like a protein induced problem. Try switching powders, if you are using them. Also, try differant food. Like steak instead of tuna or chicken. ...
Are you sure that 3,000,000 crunches are enough? I was thinking more like 5 to 6,000,000 . :D
I act like a total cunt (sorry to the woman readers) when I am using clomid. Not too many other drug affect me the way Clomid does. Ah...the price we ...
Inzer fucking rocks!!! The best belts, knee wraps and body suits in the world. Buy the belt and it will be the last one you'll ever need to buy. Plus,...
Good question. Anyone?
The rule I follow is: 1-2 mix. Meaning 400mgs of Deca, add 800mgs of Test. Never had deca Dick and I've done more cycle than I can remember. Good luck...