Last seen: Sep 2, 2024
it would be much better stcked with something.
you really need to get your diet and training in order bro, eca wont make a miracle happen.
bro, you guys should looked into this before you started.
thats a pretty mixed up cycle bro. why not get more and run it right?
i get much better results from injecting it and i have injected gallons of the stuff over the years with great results.
if massive says it so, you can believe it 100%.
i recieved a pm yseterday on AF from a guy who is taking multible mlers everyday with no effect. try pming BM.
t400 has about the highest BA content out of all the injectable steroids. the pain and swelling is a reaction to the BA in it. if gear is dirty you wi...
my favorite dbol are 5mg thais. ;)
bro, i just go with pre made.
i use slin pins for things like that.
test, eq, dbol for me to, all day.
oral 1-test(hypothetically saying it will work) would be ineffective orally unless you took hands full of them because they arent 17aa and would be br...
1-test is crap, a waste of money. it is by no means "real gear".
you should be good to go in 8-10 weeks.