Last seen: Sep 2, 2024
all test will bloat you, how much really depends on how prone you are to water retention. prop or Suspension would be the best choices in test as far ...
the white ones were good.
i used the IP 50mgs Dbols, they are orange, and i didnt get shit from them.
all aas will negatively effect the htpa.
Originally posted by massachuset This has to be a record.. we got over 40 posts on this thread in under 2 hours.. nice job BIGKEV!!! i am the man!:D
dont want to get saved from the pits of hell, just wanted to spark a little discussion.
thanks Xan, i am back at squere one; I have no clue what to believe!lol
winny wont do the job.
the lowered libido is off set by running test with it, so thats not a problem. femara is the best IMO.
imo, tren with test and eq is the best cycle for quality mass that you can set up.
what are your goals?
i use it with my post workout insulin injection and also as part of my post cycle therapy. creatine causes you to hold water intramuscularly. when use...
you wont get enough to build an ounce of muscle bro, if you get an injctable at all. they are prescribing the patch now days, which is worthless to us...
suspensions half life is only a matter of hours bro. it needs to be injected ED. get more test.