Last seen: Feb 23, 2024
well congrats bro. One of the classic arguments on bolex. Good to know there is an exception to this "rule" or should i say myth.
nobody ever said anything about spot injections and their effectiveness as far as localized growth is concerned. I dont know how we got on that topic....
i refuse to do them anymore. I have done delts, glutes, bis, and tris. All are easy, but I hate quads every time. my leg trembles and shit and I hate ...
go over to the tren forum and read up. There is a lot of good info over there. There is some debate over the long-term affects of tren use. I have dec...
have you ever thought about the fact that teenage girls can be prescribed sex hormones (birth control) to engage in frivilous sexual activity? What ab...
I dont think roy could survive lennox. But I feel lewis, when at the top of his game, is head and shoulders above the rest. If he could outbox the kli...
you are scared to death of the needle. When i did my first one, it took me 30 minutes of just staring at the motherfucker before i got up the guts. my...
is that univet suspension??? I heard that stuff is great. Never used it though. You will grow bigtime, but you better take care of yourself at the end...
i have really sensitive skin, and what works for me is to shave with sensitive gel while lying in a bathtub. I put 1 capful of baby oil in the water. ...
Originally posted by BigWill Actually ICNs are just as cheap as Mexican gear per CC if you know how to buy it. well i dont doubt you Bigwill, but I mu...
Originally posted by Alin [QUOTE]Originally posted by biggreene yeah but at over 1g a week that Galenika enathate gets pretty expensive. Leads a lot o...
Originally posted by Alin yeah seems all love enanthate especially Galenika that strong stuff yeah but at over 1g a week that Galenika enathate gets p...
im an enathate fan, and shoot it all on Sundays when I am on. up to 1500mg.
well dude I hate spots that take 10 seconds to get the damn rep up. Sure, I would love to get that extra work out of it, but not at the expense of a p...