Big Cat
Big Cat
Joined: Jun 23, 2018
Last seen: May 25, 2020
Topics: 11 / Replies: 334
RE: Info On Furazabol Anyone?

Structurally its much like Stanozolol and should possess many of the same properties. It will definitely be a poor substrate for the AR since it has n...

7 years ago
RE: PCT Planning... Advice

Posted by: IHateCrunches Considering that it was mentioned about the rebound effect of estroogen creates a larger possibility for gyno when discontin...

7 years ago
RE: PCT Planning... Advice

I would increase it to 40 during the most critical period (immediately after, 1 week after, or 2 weeks after depending on half-life of products used t...

7 years ago
RE: PCT Planning... Advice

Faux-pas = not doneWith masteron, as with any drug suitable for finishing a cycle make sure you use those the last 2 weeks, at least the last week in ...

7 years ago
RE: PCT Planning... Advice

Posted by: HitMeBack Big Cat, don't you think that Clomid is more effective than nolva at stimulating recovery of the hypothalamus?I plan to do the f...

7 years ago
RE: PCT Planning... Advice

Posted by: haskan So trenbolone would be a poor choice then at the end of a cycle? Poor choice is saying a bit much, its not a faux-pas, but if optim...

7 years ago
RE: PCT Planning... Advice

Posted by: triguy big cat u still recommend that pct schedule? Yes, alternatively, you can drop the Clomid and take an extra 20mg of nolva in those w...

7 years ago
RE: PCT Planning... Advice

I usually go with 1) Either HCG throughout the cycle, every saturday and sunday, 250 IU, to keep testes from shrinking, or crash doses post-cycle. Wel...

7 years ago
RE: Nandis article at M&M - Affinity to AR, GR antagonism etc..

That's not a bad idea. I might just do that.

7 years ago
RE: Nandis article at M&M - Affinity to AR, GR antagonism etc..

Well, if you are having problems with any of it in particular, feel free to ask. Nuclear receptor physiology is my self-declared field of expertise.

7 years ago
RE: Are my supplements causing bad breath or body odor? - HELP!

The guys have a point here, I've been around the block enough to know that if a woman tries to change you early in a relationship, she will never stop...

7 years ago
RE: Are my supplements causing bad breath or body odor? - HELP!

Yeah well, doxycyclin definitely won't be helping oral hygiene. In fact one renowned problem of older tetracyclins was that they turned your teeth a n...

7 years ago
RE: Are my supplements causing bad breath or body odor? - HELP!

Can't explain an herby smell, if it was a rotting smell it would probably be the doxycycline, you should really see what sort of damage tetracyclins d...

7 years ago
RE: Straightforward, tried and proven PCT help

If you use both, I'd start Nolva at 20 mg the last week of cycle all the way through PCT (depending on products used 5-7 weeks after that last week) S...

7 years ago
RE: PCT Planning... Advice

Here is the reason I don't believe in using AI's under any condition unless strictly necessary :1.Estrogen lowers aromatase. Inhibiting estrogen upreg...

7 years ago
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