Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 24, 2018
Last seen: Jun 9, 2021
Topics: 4 / Replies: 21
RE: Reviews

My man BD is totally on point with gear and crazy fast international service! This review is for my last order of BD Test C and Deca.Communication is ...

4 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1013
RE: 'E' Redijects...Just wondering about stability/exp date?

Expiry on mine seems to be well over a year, I'll try em' in a few months close to the expiry and report back.

5 years ago
RE: Albuterol and Keto

never mind, I dug a little deeper and found what i was looking for. For those interested it is 1mg of Keto at bedtime starting week three of the cycle...

5 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1371
RE: Largest realistic loading dose- epo

Your body can only take so much right? Yes I saw double the increase at double the dose same frequency. Pluss the longer you load the slower it falls....

5 years ago
RE: Largest realistic loading dose- epo

With propper suplementation I got exactly the same response per iu at 6k eod as 3k eod.

5 years ago
RE: Largest realistic loading dose- epo

I've done 6k every other day with very good consistent results.

5 years ago
RE: Non-aas supps for a 100mile bike tour for my girl

If she is new to this you may want to try to get her on a schedule for eating and drinking, tell her to take a small sip of a good sport drink every 5...

5 years ago
RE: No rest for the wicked

EQ makes me sweat through the sheets, pretty vivid dreams too.

6 years ago
RE: low dose test and PCT

age?weight?access to HCG/clomid/ some sort of AI?

6 years ago
RE: Test, Winstrol, Deca?

Maybe for 4 to 6 weeks at the beginning of the cycle, I absolutely can't risk the stan if it is going to dry out the connective tissues. I get injured...

6 years ago
RE: Test, Winstrol, Deca?

What about subbing in 25mgs / week of D-bol for the Stan?

6 years ago
RE: Test, Winstrol, Deca?

What would you guys sub in for it in the proposed cycle above, yes I was only going to run the Stan for 6 weeks 5-10 but I can't risk injury that late...

6 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 2557
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