Last seen: Oct 17, 2019
It is quite fascinating, and now I have to see if I can find a study on the effects of Test on the hippocampus. I am thinking that if we could stimula...
No journal research yet, but from the dots I do connect .The hippocampus is very rich in glucocorticoid receptors, and in cases of depression(or exces...
Just happens to be what I am thinking about including for my studies as a grad(when I get my assoc, and then B.A. of course)...I have a few studies sh...
I am working towards two PhDs one in a neurobiology specialty (unsure, most likely either diseases or neuroendocrinology), and the other is neuroimagi...
Well the main thing to remember is that my theory is not for all diagnosed ADHD.....I look at neuro disorders/diseases as a masquerade ball where many...
My theory is that something is causing rapid decay of dopamine, and there may be some involvement by PEA. Plus all serotonin drugs had a negative emot...
I am currently on a 6mg/24hr patch of EMSAM (selegiline patch), it is working and with only the small side effect of a slight headache......Trie...
I've actually tried strattera in the past, but my problem isn't with norepinephrine. Most symptoms point to a disorder of dopamine (I stabilized after...