Last seen: Mar 16, 2020
Just to be completely redundant and echo the gist of most of the comments already left by others: I'd also be surprised if there were any substantive ...
KISS is my motto:1000 mg test enanthate /week400 mg tren enanthate / week4IU hGH / day(and for good measure, 20 mg nolva / day)This cycle positively c...
Balkan is in Europe.
"Legit" TP brands include: Balkan Pharmaceuticals And I sure wish I lived where you live...
<<The benefits for the heart by gaining 4pounds of muscle in 2 weeks against gaining 20 pounds in 12 and then losing 8 of them should be obvious...
What are the advantages, really, of the "short cycle" over the standard 8-12 weeker? The theory goes that it effects HPTA much less severely. Okay, le...
Massroids communication and support was goodArrival time was almost 2-1/2 weeks. It got stuck in customs for more than a week.I ran the tren a @ 3cc/w...
I don't think so. Rising creatinine and BUN levels will show early stage renal insufficiency. I am sure that there are other, more sophisticated blood...
Well, you were considering dianabol, above, right? Compared with dbol, anavar has the side effect profile of cottage cheese... Seriously, it won't lea...
<<As far as an oral cycle goes what would you guys recommend for a good one that doesnt require HCG (Clomid and novla ok) as a PCT.>>Well,...
<<OK, got it, should I put them in the same syringe?>>Absolutely.
Why would you need to split up the sust and the TA, if you are injecting the sust EOD anyway? EOD is fine for acetate; you can do it with the sust and...
I find that the recommended moisturiser is completely unnecessary, but the regimen of soap and low concentration BP gel works like the proverbial char...
Just my preference... but when using sust, I tend to ignore the short esters and just treat it like a long-acting injectable. In other words, just mat...
That's a fairly drastic drop in total mg AAS between weeks 1-6 (1150) and weeks 6-12 (~600). I'm not saying that you can't do it that way and still pr...