Eminent Member
Joined: Aug 15, 2018
Last seen: Mar 16, 2020
Topics: 1 / Replies: 32
RE: Test plus deca vs just test

Just to be completely redundant and echo the gist of most of the comments already left by others: I'd also be surprised if there were any substantive ...

5 years ago
RE: Dream Cycle

KISS is my motto:1000 mg test enanthate /week400 mg tren enanthate / week4IU hGH / day(and for good measure, 20 mg nolva / day)This cycle positively c...

5 years ago
5 years ago
RE: UG labs and quality control

"Legit" TP brands include: Balkan Pharmaceuticals And I sure wish I lived where you live...

5 years ago
RE: Bill Roberts 2-4 cycle, sust or test e?

<<The benefits for the heart by gaining 4pounds of muscle in 2 weeks against gaining 20 pounds in 12 and then losing 8 of them should be obvious...

5 years ago
RE: Bill Roberts 2-4 cycle, sust or test e?

What are the advantages, really, of the "short cycle" over the standard 8-12 weeker? The theory goes that it effects HPTA much less severely. Okay, le...

5 years ago
Tren A & Test P from Massroids.Net

Massroids communication and support was goodArrival time was almost 2-1/2 weeks. It got stuck in customs for more than a week.I ran the tren a @ 3cc/w...

5 years ago
RE: Kidney ache

I don't think so. Rising creatinine and BUN levels will show early stage renal insufficiency. I am sure that there are other, more sophisticated blood...

5 years ago
RE: oral only cycle

Well, you were considering dianabol, above, right? Compared with dbol, anavar has the side effect profile of cottage cheese... Seriously, it won't lea...

5 years ago
RE: oral only cycle

<<As far as an oral cycle goes what would you guys recommend for a good one that doesnt require HCG (Clomid and novla ok) as a PCT.>>Well,...

5 years ago
RE: Just Susta cycle

<<OK, got it, should I put them in the same syringe?>>Absolutely.

5 years ago
RE: Just Susta cycle

Why would you need to split up the sust and the TA, if you are injecting the sust EOD anyway? EOD is fine for acetate; you can do it with the sust and...

5 years ago
RE: 2nd Cycle...Thoughts?

I find that the recommended moisturiser is completely unnecessary, but the regimen of soap and low concentration BP gel works like the proverbial char...

5 years ago
RE: Just Susta cycle

Just my preference... but when using sust, I tend to ignore the short esters and just treat it like a long-acting injectable. In other words, just mat...

5 years ago
RE: 2nd Cycle...Thoughts?

That's a fairly drastic drop in total mg AAS between weeks 1-6 (1150) and weeks 6-12 (~600). I'm not saying that you can't do it that way and still pr...

5 years ago
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