Last seen: Nov 25, 2021
my natty test is between 200-400, after good PCT following 4 weeks of test it was low 200's, after about 6 weeks total SARM's & no PCT it was 67! ...
I had a couple of weeks PCT after the 4 week T cycle, & tested T before SARMS- the level was reasonably close to my (shit) natty T level.PCT was 3...
Posted by: Sparrow Well, bad news I guess!!! Do you know what test level you started at before SARMS bananaman? I think you wrote earlier in anothe...
Posted by: rhinofight I read that just pinning yourself(IM), as well as strenuous exercise and can raise AST/ALT levels. exercise defo does th...
generally food increases insulin release, which is a GH antagonist. Boosting GH by whatever means & eating near the time can cause a relative insu...
Posted by: liftsiron Some time ago I started taking 2000ius ed and believe that it has been easier to get lean. Started 1000iu/ day this week,...
i got pretty intense indigestion taking epistane on an empty stomach, whereas 1,4 AD was no problem. Oral bioavailability & gastro sides seems to ...
r u testing free test & epi test? also the testing protocols vary, eg TDF would be full on analysis with test to epi test ratio, lower ranked even...
Posted by: tballz Why would you sweat more from being in a deep sleep and not moving around?. I occasionally get night sweats, my other half n...
yes to both! I also find it wakes me up 2 hours early, feeling as if I've had a full nights sleep. I think the sweats may be an indirect effect, eg. f...
creatinine changes with diet & lean body mass, the trend over several months is probably more important
ignore the raised urea, it can go up with high protein diet or dehydration (don't ignore urea if creatine is also up, in which case u r in trouble..)
This forum is a great social example of how we help each other through sharing knowledge. Despite the fact that many of us are highly competitive athl...
Its interesting that the knock out mice were only protected from muscle atrophy, rather than developing increased muscle mass.